Under Construction
Notes: Create similar page for each rank – current info is only on “Ranks” page
The Apprentice Classical Instructor Program provides classical fencers interested in learning to teach entry level instruction in as class assistants. Apprentice Classical Instructors are not expected to serve as primary instructors of classical fencing salles or clubs, and should work under general supervision of the content and form of their teaching by a recognized fencing instructor.
Individuals interested in becoming Apprentice Classical Instructors must:
(1) have at least 6 months experience as a classical fencer at the salle or club level.
(2) have completed a minimum of 30 hours of instruction in fencing skills from a professional member (Classical Fencing Demonstrator or higher) of the Classical Academy of Arms or from a certified instructor qualified by either a recognized National Academy of Arms at the ranks of Moniteur, Prevot, or Maitre or by a national amateur fencing coach qualification program.
(3) have a sponsor or mentor, who meets the certified instructor criteria in paragraph (2), willing to administer the program activities.
In situations where items (2) or (3) cannot be met (for example, an individual who has no current relationship with an instructor due to geographic separation) the Academy may accept a candidate who:
(1) can show at least 6 months experience as a classical fencer in an established club.
(2) provides a video showing proper classical form and execution of classical techniques in a bout or lesson.
(3) demonstrates appropriate knowledge of classical fencing in a telephone or online interview.
Individuals recognized as Apprentice Classical Instructors:
(1) complete a self-study program, including a fencing terminology, basic knowledge, and instruction methods examination.
(2) complete a self-assessment of their teaching skills.
(3) teach or assist in teaching a minimum of 10 hours of group instruction in beginning level fencing skills.
(4) provide at least 2 positive evaluations of teaching skills by students or recognized instructors.
Each individual who completes the Apprentice program will receive an appropriate certificate and a jacket sleeve patch (the patch is the same pattern as the Academy professional member patches, but with the rectangular border, single sword, and lettering CFA in black on a white background) for wear on the cuff of the non-weapon arm jacket sleeve.